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el peor juego de la mes la sensibilidad es horrible los coliders de los vecinos es muy alto te lo quitan en el aire aunque esten a 122 KM de distancia

porfavor agregen una opcion de sensibilidad 1/10


Un 10! sobre 11


Uhhh!! jajaja 

The graphics may not be too realistic, but I've heard real life stories where some people acted a little like the people in this game. 10/10 for realism. I like the concept of the game, especially the part where you get to smack people with your stick of justice, just to get them back for stealing your toilet paper (that felt good). Also I think the sound you hear whenever you hit one of those little demons is incredibly realistic! I honestly couldn't tell the difference. Great job on this game!


Great game that combine pandemic reality, fun and justice!

